18 Things Women Expect From Their Partners (But Shouldn’t)

Modern women have extremely high expectations from a relationship. There is a never-ending checklist that anyone would struggle to complete, and this causes a lot of relationship issues. These 18 things women expect from their …

Modern women have extremely high expectations from a relationship. There is a never-ending checklist that anyone would struggle to complete, and this causes a lot of relationship issues. These 18 things women expect from their partners are things they perhaps shouldn’t.

A mind reader

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Many women expect their partner to know exactly what they want or need without communication. They think their partner should just be in tune with their wants and needs. This is where a disconnect lies, as many things need to be actively communicated.

Financial support

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While this expectation is reducing as more women enjoy financial independence, a lot of women still expect their partners to be solely responsible for their financial stability. Pew Research Center found that 71% of Americans still think a man should be the breadwinner. This should be a mutual agreement, not an expectation.

A perfect partner

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Women spend many years creating the man of their dreams, and when their partner doesn’t live up to this image, it’s a disappointment. Expecting your partner to be flawless or never make mistakes is often a huge downfall in relationships. No one is perfect, so you should never expect your partner to be.

Constant attention

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When you enter someone’s life, you should become a priority but never expect to receive their full attention 100% of the time. Expecting your partner to always prioritize you over everything else can lead to a lot of disappointment. Your partner needs to direct attention to other things, too.

A problem solver

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Some women lose their accountability when they enter a relationship, expecting their partner to fix all their problems for them. While your partner should certainly support you with problems, you need to take responsibility and take charge of your own problems rather than expecting your other half to deal with them.

They expect their partner to change

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A great number of women expect their partners to change to fit their ideal image. It’s important to understand that you can never change a person, and you shouldn’t want to either. When you enter into a relationship, you should accept your partner fully, flaws and all.

Making sacrifices

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A relationship is about compromise, and you should expect that both parties will need to make a few sacrifices. However, a lot of women expect their partner to constantly sacrifice their own needs and desires. This can cause resentment, and you shouldn’t expect your partner to make sacrifices unless you’re willing to.

They expect their partner to always agree

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It is common for many partnerships to appear like they’re morphing into one person. This is due to the expectation that their partner should always agree with them or share the same opinions. A little conflict and debate are healthy in a relationship, so you shouldn’t expect your partner to always agree.

Emotional validation

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There is no doubt that you should receive some emotional validation from your partner. However, it gets tricky when you constantly seek your partner’s approval. This comes across as clingy and needy, which can be pretty draining for your partner. You need to validate yourself to fulfill your self-worth.

Always available

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Expecting your partner to be available 24/7 and respond immediately to every message or call is where a lot of women go wrong in relationships. Psychology Today says boundaries regarding availability need to be implemented in relationships. You can’t always expect your partner to be at your beck and call.

Constant romance

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Thanks to fairytales and rom-coms, we’ve been fed a narrative since childhood that romance should be constant. However, this isn’t reality, and expecting grand romantic gestures all the time can lead to disappointment. Women should appreciate the smaller acts of love and just living life together.

A partner to bring their happiness

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Being in a relationship can bring a lot of happiness to life, but you should never expect your partner to provide that happiness. It is important to be happy, content, and complete on your own, and your partner should complement your life rather than fill in a missing piece.

A partner that’s always mature

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There are times when seriousness is crucial, and of course, a certain level of maturity is necessary, but a healthy relationship also needs to have an element of fun. A lot of women get frustrated when their partner is being ‘immature’ when, really, they’re just trying to have a bit of fun.

Being faithful

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In a monogamous relationship, cheating is a huge no-no, and expecting your partner to be faithful is completely normal. According to The Independent, 1 in every 2.7 couples is affected by cheating. When the statistics are so high, should women really expect that their partner is not going to cheat?

Their one and only

Photo Credit: Luis Rojas Estudio/Shutterstock

We all know those people who get a partner and suddenly forget to prioritize all their other relationships. These women expect their partner to exclusively fill their cup, but it is extremely important to continue nurturing your other relationships. A partner is a great addition to your life, but they shouldn’t be your only focus.

Someone who stands up for them

Photo Credit: DimaBerlin/Shutterstock

A lot of women expect their partners to defend them and stand up for them. It’s important for your partner to openly show their support for you, but you can’t expect them to fight all your battles. This is purely based on patriarchal ideology, and you should foster some independence with challenges.

Unrealistic body image expectations

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Many women have confidence issues when it comes to their body image, and they often project this onto their partners, too. They expect their partner to have unrealistic ideas about what they should look like, but this just leads to feeling insecure. Women need to realize that their partner probably thinks they are the most beautiful person in the world.

Spend most of their time together

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A great number of women expect that their partner should spend most of their free time with them. It’s incredibly important to have your own passions and relationships outside of this partnership otherwise, it could become unhealthy.  Psych Central says it is important to maintain an identity outside of your romantic partner.

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